This tool automates finding Minecraft seeds by entering search parameters with about 100 seeds scanned per second. If you also want to check for ravines, caves, valleys, and encircling tall terrain, consider using MC-SeedLocator (note: it is slower).
Set up your parameters in the text box then press scan to start scanning for seeds. When specifying structures or biomes, use their corresponding IDs from the ID References tab. Use -1 for N/A and use 0 for next to biome to find structures in that biome. At least one section is required to be filled.
===== Scanning options ===== Starting seed: 0 Search radius: 500 Use spawn: true Custom z: 0 Custom x: 0 ===== Required structures ===== 1. 5 (min amount: 1, next to biome: 2, biome proximity: 0, min size: -1, max size: -1, min height: -9999, max height: 9999) ===== Structure Clusters ===== ===== Invalid Structure Clusters ===== ===== Required Biomes ===== ===== Clustered Biomes =====
===== Scanning options ===== Starting seed: 0 Search radius: 1000 Use spawn: false Custom z: 0 Custom x: 0 ===== Required structures ===== 1. 5 (min amount: 1, next to biome: 2, biome proximity: 0, min size: -1, max size: -1, min height: -9999, max height: 9999) 2. 7 (min amount: 1, next to biome: 4, biome proximity: 16, min size: -1, max size: -1, min height: -9999, max height: 9999) 3. 7 (min amount: 1, next to biome: -1, biome proximity: -1, min size: -1, max size: -1, min height: 150, max height: 9999) ===== Structure Clusters ===== Enabled: true Valid structures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Min cluster distance = 32, Min cluster size = 2 ===== Invalid Structure Clusters ===== 1. 7, 8 ===== Required Biomes ===== 1. 1 (min size: 50, max size: -1) 2. 185 (min size: -1, max size: -1) 3. 4 (min size: -1, max size: -1) ===== Clustered Biomes ===== 1. 185, 1 (min size: -1, max size: -1) 2. 4, 1 (min size: 100, max size: -1) 2. 185, 4 (min size: -1, max size: -1)
Parameter | Description |
Starting seed | The first seed to start scanning from. |
Search radius | Defines how far to search for structures and biomes. |
Use spawn | true = search near spawn, false = search anywhere. |
Custom x / Custom z | Specific coordinates to scan from (if Use spawn = false). |
Defines which structures must be present in the world.
Parameter | Description |
Structure ID | The ID of the structure (see ID References tab). |
Min amount | Minimum number of structures in the search area. |
Next to biome | Finds structures near a specific biome (-1 for any biome). |
Biome proximity | Distance in blocks from the structure to the biome. |
Min height / Max height | Height restrictions for structures. |
1. 5 (min amount: 1, next to biome: 2, biome proximity: 0, min height: -9999, max height: 9999)
Searches for groups of structures close together.
Parameter | Description |
Enabled | Set to true to enable clustering. |
Valid structures | List of structure IDs that count toward a valid cluster. |
Min cluster distance | Minimum distance between structures to count as a cluster. |
Min cluster size | Minimum number of structures required for a valid cluster. |
Filters worlds based on the presence of specific biomes.
Parameter | Description |
Biome ID | The ID of the required biome. |
Min size / Max size | Size requirements for the biome. |
1. 1 (min size: 50, max size: -1)
Finds biomes that generate next to each other.
Parameter | Description |
Biome list | Group of multiple biomes that must be next to each other. |
Min size / Max size | Size restrictions for the clustered biomes. |
1. 185, 1 (min size: -1, max size: -1)
Once your parameters are set, press Scan to find the best Minecraft seed for your needs!
ID | Structure |
-1 | None |
0 | Feature |
1 | Desert Pyramid |
2 | Jungle Temple |
3 | Swamp Hut |
4 | Igloo |
5 | Village |
6 | Ocean Ruin |
7 | Shipwreck |
8 | Monument |
9 | Mansion |
10 | Outpost |
11 | Ruined Portal |
12 | Ruined Portal N |
13 | Ancient City |
14 | Treasure |
15 | Mineshaft |
16 | Desert Well |
17 | Geode |
18 | Trail Ruins |
19 | Trial Chambers |
20 | Spawn |
ID | Biome |
-2 | Island |
-1 | None |
0 | Ocean |
1 | Plains |
2 | Desert |
3 | Windswept Hills |
4 | Forest |
5 | Taiga |
6 | Swamp |
7 | River |
10 | Frozen Ocean |
11 | Frozen River |
12 | Snowy Plains |
13 | Snowy Mountains |
14 | Mushroom Fields |
15 | Mushroom Fields Shore |
16 | Beach |
17 | Desert Hills |
18 | Windswept Forest |
19 | Taiga Hills |
20 | Mountain Edge |
21 | Jungle |
22 | Jungle Hills |
23 | Sparse Jungle |
24 | Deep Ocean |
25 | Stony Shore |
26 | Snowy Beach |
27 | Birch Forest |
28 | Birch Forest Hills |
29 | Dark Forest |
30 | Snowy Taiga |
31 | Snowy Taiga Hills |
32 | Old Growth Pine Taiga |
33 | Giant Tree Taiga Hills |
34 | Wooded Mountains |
35 | Savanna |
36 | Savanna Plateau |
37 | Badlands |
38 | Wooded Badlands |
39 | Badlands Plateau |
44 | Warm Ocean |
45 | Lukewarm Ocean |
46 | Cold Ocean |
47 | Deep Warm Ocean |
48 | Deep Lukewarm Ocean |
49 | Deep Cold Ocean |
50 | Deep Frozen Ocean |
129 | Sunflower Plains |
130 | Desert Lakes |
131 | Windswept Gravelly Hills |
132 | Flower Forest |
133 | Taiga Mountains |
134 | Swamp Hills |
140 | Ice Spikes |
149 | Modified Jungle |
151 | Modified Jungle Edge |
155 | Old Growth Birch Forest |
156 | Tall Birch Hills |
157 | Dark Forest Hills |
158 | Snowy Taiga Mountains |
160 | Old Growth Spruce Taiga |
161 | Giant Spruce Taiga Hills |
162 | Gravelly Mountains+ |
163 | Windswept Savanna |
164 | Shattered Savanna Plateau |
165 | Eroded Badlands |
166 | Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau |
167 | Modified Badlands Plateau |
168 | Bamboo Jungle |
169 | Bamboo Jungle Hills |
170 | Underground |
171 | Underground |
172 | Underground |
174 | Dripstone Caves |
175 | Lush Caves |
177 | Meadow |
178 | Grove |
179 | Snowy Slopes |
180 | Frozen Peaks |
181 | Jagged Peaks |
182 | Stony Peaks |
183 | Deep Dark |
184 | Mangrove Swamp |
185 | Cherry Grove |
186 | Pale Garden |